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+ What is RMS?

Remote Movement Solutions, LLC is a company that utilizes a telehealth (remote) platform to provide on-demand solutions for physical therapy, fitness, and wellness questions.

+ What are the qualifications of the staff of RMS?

Your RMS team consists of a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is a movement expert with additional expertise in strength, conditioning, sport-specific training, and fitness.

+ Will my sessions and correspondence be kept private and secure?

Yes, RMS uses a HIPAA-compliant platform to communicate with all clients.

+ Will I be treated or coached by a “Real” physical therapist?

Yes. Whether you are receiving a physical therapy treatment or being coached on a fitness, wellness, or sport-specific program, your program will be led by a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

+ What are common Physical Therapy Conditions that can be treated “Remotely?”

• Joint Replacement Surgery • Ligament Reconstructive Surgery • Spinal Surgery • Chronic Joint Pain • Muscle Imbalance • Postural Dysfunction • Muscle Weakness • Overuse Injuries • Sprains/Strains • Sports injuries • Whiplash • Muscle Weakness • Chronic Joint Pain • Loss of Function

+ What can I expect with the fitness and sport-specific, and wellness packages?

You can expect expert advice delivered by a Doctor of Physical Therapy and certified strength coach with over 20 years of experience working with individual clients, developing programs to achieve goals ranging from improving fitness, competitive fitness, weight loss, and sport-specific training

+ What does it cost?

A 12-month membership is $99

+ Do you accept insurance?

No. RMS is strictly a cash-based business.

+ What does a membership entail?

2 wellness consultations in a 12-month period via video chat. As a member, you will receive a 50% discount on any service that is prescribed.

+ Do I have to be a member to purchase a pkg offered by RMS?

Although not mandatory, we do encourage our prospective clients to become members. The value received by the wellness consultation assists our team with recommending the right package for you. In addition, a significant cost benefit with our services is reserved for our members.

+ Can I add family members to my membership?

RMS allows immediate family to receive membership discounts on all packages. However, additional wellness consultations may be purchased if more than the 2 per membership is needed to address each family member’s needs/goals. Every client receiving services must complete a consent to treat form and a medical history form prior receiving services.

+ How do I sign up?

  1. Go to the “book online” tab
  2. Fill out and submit medical history and consent form
  3. Find a date and time that is available
  4. Pay membership fee
  5. Schedule and book a time and date
  6. Follow steps to log-on to Blue Jay (HIPAA-compliant remote platform).

+ What can I expect during my initial wellness consult?

  1. Clearly understand your past medical history, including both general health and any past or current injuries that need to be considered in designing your individual program

  2. Clearly understand your movement goals. Whether your goals are to restore movement or enhance movement, the wellness consultation will allow our team to focus on your goals

  3. Accurately prescribe the best program that will allow you to accomplish your goals

+ Will I need special equipment for my video chat?

No, Our HIPAA-compliant software is accessible from any smart-device and works on both HP and Mac computer systems

+ What should I wear during my video chat?

Be sure to wear something comfortable. Your therapist may need to assess various Movements, so avoid restrictive clothing.

+ What can I expect after the initial consultation?

Your therapist/coach will prescribe a package (PT, Fitness, Wellness) based on your needs and desired goals. Each package will specify the number of video chats, texts, emails, and correspondence. You therapist/coach will specify associative date ranges per package purchased.

+ What if I have questions during times that I don’t have a video chat scheduled?

That’s great! The beauty of this format is that you will be able to text, email at your convenience and expect timely responses from your RMS team.